Tracked vehicles for the over the snow use has become very popular in the past years. If you own a UTV you can buy a set of tracks that bolt right on your machine. Being able to use your expensive UTV or ATV for winter and summer is very appealing. However, there is a… Read more »
Category: Uncategorized
what is the best brand for side by sides or UTV’s / ATV
I always try to address the questions I get asked most often. Today subject is what is the best brand side by side out there. We currently are running Polaris and Yamaha, but we are never brand loyal. I could care less about brands. Whoever makes the best product for my use, I will use… Read more »
300cc two stroke snow bike verses 450cc four stroke snow bike
Everyone always asks us, way more people are not riding 300cc two strokes for snow bikes. They make great power and they are lighter than a 450cc dirt bike. In the last 10 years of renting snow bikes we have had a hand full of 300cc two stroke snow bikes and they are awesome!! It… Read more »
What are the best snow bike Kits out there! Yeti, Timbersled, Mountain top?
One of the most commonly asked questions we get. What is my favorite or best snow bike kit. We rent 10-15 snow bikes a season and we have been in business for the last 10 years. We like to think we have tried every make, model, brand and configurations out there. We usually build 2-4… Read more »
What a dirt bike needs to become a snow bike
People often ask us what does the bike need to convert it into a snow bike? Most people are either building their own bike or are looking at buying one that is already built. They always want to know what are the “must haves” on a snow bike. I started riding snow bikes in 2008… Read more »
Snow Bikes/Timber sleds How it got started and where it is going
Snow Bikes/Timber sleds have been gaining popularity in the last 5 years mostly due to the advancements in technology. It is a very simple idea that takes a dirt bike and puts a ski on the front and a track on the back. The first prototypes dates to the 1920s where tracks were put on… Read more »
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