Tracked vehicles for the over the snow use has become very popular in the past years. If you own a UTV you can buy a set of tracks that bolt right on your machine. Being able to use your expensive UTV or ATV for winter and summer is very appealing. However, there is a little more to it. It probably would not occur to you how much snow is about to fly into the cab and on your lap. The solution for this is full encloser with heat which can cost up to another 5 thousand dollars. The next problem you can run into is the capability of the machine. With most UTV’s you’ll find that you are only able to travel on hard pack trails. Greatly limiting to where you can comfortably go. They are incredibly hard to get unstuck. Once they sink down to the frame, you either need a large snow cat or hours and hours of digging to get them not only out, but back to a packed trail. Another major drawback is the speed at which they travel. Most manufacturers recommend only running the machine in low gear, so you do not damage the clutch. That top speed is probably around 10 to15 mph.
There is a bran new solution for all these issues. Helltraxxs is a new company that developed double wide tracks that will bolt onto 4×4 trucks, jeeps, full size trucks, service trucks, etc. You maintain all the comforts of your normal ride, heat, music, storage, smooth ride, and most importantly it’s nice and quiet. The capability of these new tracks is indescribable. You will not believe it until you ride in one. I guarantee you will be blown away. You can float through 4-5 feet of snow with no problem. I never have had one stuck. The way the rear tracks are designed, it allows you to reverse out of stuck situations.
Helltraxxs is going to revolutionize backcountry travel. There is nothing even close to the performance which you can achieve with this new system. Some may say a snow cat is an option. I never seen a snow cat that do 50 mph down a trail or Ride as smooth and quiet as these new Helltraxxs. It is the ultimate machine for backcountry access. Snowboarding, skiing, hut trips, afternoon picnics, service radio towers, recovery, or work around the ranch. These new tracks will allow you to travel in the backcountry like never before.